Local Rides
Some popular local road or multi-use trail rides are listed below, or check out the Maps & Routes page to plan a ride on or off road.
Our Calendar button on the Home Page will show you a list of scheduled local cycling events, or keep reading for general Information on weekly group/club rides and annual charity rides.
Some great rides in the Simsbury area:​
• Sharrow Loop - 16 mi loop around town
• FVTC Farm-to-Farm Tour - 20 miles
Visit Ryan Family Flower Farm, J.L. Hall Farm, Community Farm of Simsbury, George Hall Farm, Flamig Farm, and Tulmeadow Farm.
• Massachusetts (Barely!) – 31.6mi loop
• Trail from Simsbury to Westfield –16.5 mi
• Granville and Back – 43.5mi loop
• West Simsbury to Old Newgate – 30.6 mi loop
• West Simsbury & Tariffville – 13.4mi loop
• West Simsbury & Old Newgate Prison – 25mi loop
• Trails-in-Motion 10 Mile Ride (Simsbury-Avon) – 10-mile, EASY
• Trails-in-Motion 30 Mile Ride (Farmington Valley Greenway Loop) – 30mi loop
• Trails-in-Motion 50 Mile/Metric Century Rides, 50mi/62mi loop
Town Center to Stratton Brook State Park on local greenways: SHORT (2 miles)
From public parking on Iron Horse Blvd., take a right (head south) on the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail along Iron Horse Blvd. Cross Drake Hill Road and follow trail to the right until the intersection at Rt. 10/202 Hopmeadow St. Cross Hopmeadow St. and take a left on the Farmington River Trail. Follow trail along Rt. 167 W (West St.) until the pedestrian crossings at Bushy Hill Rd. Follow the bike route signs to cross over to Bushy Hill Rd. and the trail entrance to Stratton Brook State Park.
Follow the unpaved trail to the beach, picnic area and covered bridge.
Reverse route to return.

Weekly Group RIdes
Updated 7/2/2020. Check with your local bike shop or hosts for the most current information.
Eastern Bloc cycling club organizes many group rides for cyclists of all ability levels. Calendar (860-693-8891)
Valley Cycling All rides start from Granby Dunkin Donuts (next to Stop & Shop), 7 Mill Pond Rd.
M/W - 6pm - 2hrs
Sat - 8 & 8:15 am - 2+hrs
Sun.- 8 am - 2+hrs
Casual Bikers/CT Casual Bicycling Meetup (<10mph) Scenic, casual, safe bike rides for fun and recreation all over the Farmington Valley, Hartford and shoreline area.
Intermediate/advanced group that rides for fun on the rail trails, quiet roads and awesome excursions.
Central Wheel (Farmington) 860-677-7010 MTB, Road, and Rec. rides. Check site for schedule.
Annual Charity Rides in the area:
TD Five Boro Bike Tour, May, NYC
CCAP Breakaway Benefit Ride - May, CT
MS Ride - June, Windsor, CT
Tour of Litchfield Hills -Aug, Litchfield, CT
Pan Mass Challenge - Aug,, several locations in Massachusetts
Closer to Free - Sept., New Haven, CT
Discover CT Bicycle Tours, Bike Walk CT
Camp Hole in the Wall Gang -Sept, Ashford, CT
Resource Directory
Charity Bicycle Ride website
Dedicated to safer, more accessible biking and walking in Connecticut's first Bicycle-Friendly Community.